Friday, September 3, 2010

Idol 43 - Tatiana Del Toro

43. Tatiana Del Toro
Season 8, Top 36 Finalist

Ok. I'm pretty sure all of you are thinking "WTF! Why the hell is she this high?" Haha. Well, I don't know why I waited this long to put Tatiana on the list, but believe it or not, I did like her. Seriously.

Frankly, she was my second favorite performer of the first semifinal group and I still think that she should have gotten a spot in the Top 13 of that season. Really. I mean, Give me a choice of Tatiana or Michael Sarver, and I'd choose Tatiana any day - in a heartbeat even. That said, there are some people that are below Tatiana on the list that probably should've been above her. But sorry, couldn't help myself. Haha.

I liked her Saving All My Love For You rendition both times she sang it, even though it was stupid of her to do it again on the Wild Card show - although I somehow believe that she was unable to clear another song for the Wild Card show. Now, I don't really care if that was the producer's way of creating buzz that season but I thought the whole Tatiana shtick was hilarious - funnier even than Normund Gentle.

Truth be told, the judges somehow annoyed me with their whole "don't repeat a performance!" when they all loved Anoop's karaoke version of My Prerogative, which he performed during Hollywood week just because they had to "cast the show". Come on, Simon! Although I'm not saying that Tatiana deserved the spot over Anoop Desai, it's just that they should've given this crazy girl a break and not criticize her for the song choice.

Let's hope there's never another Wild Card show EVER AGAIN on Idol where everything's entirely up to the judges. But yeah, Tatiana would've been over-the-top hilarious to see in the Finals. And honestly, as long as she wouldn't outlast someone better than her like Allison Iraheta or Kris Allen, I definitely wouldn't mind seeing her for a few more weeks. Ha!

Favorite Performance(s): Really. Do I have a choice? Haha. Saving All My Love For You, of course! Which one, you ask? Well, does it really matter? It's Tatiana for crying out loud! Haha.

Saving All My Love For You

Funny/Annoying Audition

#42 - Wrote a Coronation Single


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