RESULTS after the jump!!
VOTES: 581
Closed: June 28, 2011
VOTES: 509
Closed: June 29, 2011
VOTES: 553
Closed: June 30, 2011
VOTES: 536
Closed: July 1, 2011
VOTES: 549
Closed: July 2, 2011
VOTES: 546
Closed: July 3, 2011
VOTES: 1069
Closed: July 4, 2011
VOTES: 669
Closed: July 5, 2011
VOTES: 587
Closed: July 6, 2011
VOTES: 799
Closed: July 7, 2011
VOTES: 332
Closed: July 9, 2011
Closed: July 3, 2011
Closed: July 4, 2011
Closed: July 5, 2011
Closed: July 6, 2011
Closed: July 7, 2011
Closed: July 9, 2011
*this is in order of their placement on the show and not on the actual poll
yey for vonzell, elliot and haley!!!
no nikko smith! SAD! :(
people just vote for the top 6 :S
Julio: That's true for Season 5. As for the others, some are missing from the Top 5/6. Camile Velasco and Gina Glocksen both finished 9th in their respective seasons. :)
yes and Jennifer Hudson...., what I meant is people always complain about the results on the show, but it seems like the voters don´t get it so wrong after all people do like the finalist almost every time
Julio: True. It's just a matter of how they finish on the show. I mean, based from the results I got only 3/10 winners got the highest number of votes in their season.
no, Syesha :((
I´d change Jason Castro for Syesha or Sanjaya hahahaha... technically he was awful but I liked Sanjaya hihi
I wish Syesha was on here... Sad day. :( But you can't really change Jason with Sanjaya since they weren't on the same season. LOL!
Guys, don't worry. There's still a Wildcard Round after all the results are posted. Maybe Syesha would be part of it. ;)
oooops my mistake HAHAHAHAHAHA I´d change them anyway
everyone I voted for... well except for Nikko :( is there
How did Season 7 have double the amount of votes than any other season...?
Simply because season 7 is the best :D
when are you posting hte wildcards?
Chris: In an hour! :)
No Kristy Lee Cook :( I liked her in season 7.
James, Stefano, and Paul?????? LOL
Anonymous: Recency effect maybe? Because they're almost fresh in people's mind. I mean, compared to say Anwar Robinson - who ranked 6th on this Wildcard Round.
SYESHA! I voted for her :) And Paul! Wooooo almost everyone I love made it! (Kristy Lee Cook :'( haha) let's see how it goes!
Glad James made it through the wild card round (can't believe he didn't make it to begin with). I also can't believe Paul is in this thing... Sanjaya was better than Paul (though not by much).
NNNOOOOO :( :( not James :( :(
where is Mandisa :( :( :(
Everybody I voted for in season 10 made it through. Woot woot! Haley, Thia and Pia!
I voted for Syesha and Paul in the wildcard. I hate that James made it through, though. I don't know, something about that guy's persona that's so grating.
Dam? will we know the position of the disqualifies of round 1 at the end of the whole process?
Julio: Yes. I will post the results after the whole process. As of now, I don't want to release it just because I don't want people to know which contestant got the highest votes and whatnot during Round 1. That will just make things really predictable. :)
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