Sunday, April 26, 2015

Movie Review: Avengers: Age of Ultron

Marvel had set the bar high for themselves - consistently delivering solid to fantastic films everytime - and Avengers: Age of Ultron was no exception; this was just flat out spectacular! I genuinely couldn't ask for much more. The darker tone was perfectly handled as it didn't go too far adding touches of humor here and there, which arguably made the Avengers movies work. The visual effects were, as usual, pretty outstanding, the tag team fights were well-played, and Joss Whedon's direction was incredibly masterful. Considering how many larger than life characters there were in this film, it was quite impressive how the movie balanced the characters flawlessly. True, the story was simple and at times a bit convoluted, but how it was executed worked wonderfully. Does the film have flaws? Sure, but so does every other movie and some with far more dumb plot holes. I didn't mind. With an immense casting, decent story, and visuals that put Transformers blur to shame, Avengers: Age of Ultron was a terrific blockbuster film. 9


Dani said...

WOW. I really didn't expect this high rating from you, Dam! :P Honestly, I was disappointed with Age of Ultron, and it has lots to do with the script! I'm a big fan of wit and humor but I feel like there was too much of it in this movie. They all sounded like Tony Stark!

The only thing I can agree with, is that it really was a pretty movie!

DAM said...

Dani:: I didn't think the humor was too much. I thought the humor was sparse, appropriately placed, and it wasn't anything new from them. Compared to their separate films, that's how their scripts were written - with a little humor and wit here and there. To be honest, I'd rather have this than full on dark, intense, and depressing like the Dark Knight trilogy or Man of Steel.

Dan O. said...

A very fun movie. However, the superhero craze is starting to get a tad bit over-done now. Nice review.

Unknown said...

DC has a shot with Batman v Superman if they try a darker, deeper angle..and not flood it with too many stars and jokes.

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