Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Glee Season 1: Journey Episode Review

Season 1, Episode 22

Ok. Now that I've had a good few hours to process what I just saw, I feel I can say with certainty that this was an amazing episode. Yes! It's up there with the best. And after the disappointment that was Funk, this was just.. fantastic! I couldn't have asked for more, really.

This episode single-handedly turned me into an emotional wreck. Seriously. That beginning scene with all the kids in Will Shuester's apartment surprisingly got me, especially Tina's quote about her number of Facebook friends.

The flashback to the day Puck and Quinn slept together was good to finally see. I think most of us were curious about exactly what happened. And it's like I thought - Quinn was feeling horribly insecure about herself, and Puck took advantage of the situation. Yes, he does care about her, but he had to get her somewhat drunk to get her to go along with it. She did give consent, but it wasn't entirely consensual.

Oh, and it was great to see Quinn's mom again after their performance, although it just didn't sound right that she kicked Russell out for infidelity but not for her own daughter. Oh well, better late than never, I guess?

As for the Shelby storyline, I'm honestly on the fence about it. Part of me was glad that she adopted Beth because hopefully that means we'll be seeing more of Idina next season and Quinn can have some interaction with her daughter. However, the other part of me was kind of upset. Seriously. Shelby pretty much just pushed Rachel aside and swooped in on Beth as soon as she had the chance. That has got to hurt a lot for Rachel, especially after she tried to let Shelby in twice. I just hope they form more of a mother/daughter relationship next season.

Now, the FINALE music was probably the best part of this episode. New Direction's Journey medley was phenomenal. I've never been a Journey fan, in fact, I always thought they were kind of cheesy - you know, typical corporate rock - but this cast managed to give me goosebumps when they performed their songs.

To Sir With Love was heartbreaking and this was the part where I almost cried like a girl. Haha. Yes, I'm not going to lie, this performance got me pretty emotional. I also loved that in this number, we saw how Sue got emotional watching the kids sing to Will. Frankly, that could have come across so corny if not played with such great emotion, but they pulled it quite nicely. I thought Jane Lynche just captured the "bully with a heart" thing so well.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow was also touching and sweet, but the Vocal Adrenaline's Bohemian Rhapsody intercut with Quinn giving birth was definitely the best thing the show has ever done. I'm serious. I mean, putting together the song and Quinn's screams was absolutely genius! I found the camera work to be amazing by the switching of points of view and the arrangement of the song in time with the birth was quite good too. I love Dianna's impeccable acting and Puck's face just made me laugh. And while the cover on its own failed to capture the intensity and passion of Freddie Mercury - good attempt though - the scene sequence was done so masterfully! Nothing short of brilliant!

And one last thing: New Direction not winning Regionals didn't surprise me at all - spoilers or no spoilers. Heck, I was even more surprised that it wasn't Sue who brought them down. Haha. But while I seriously adored New Direction's performance, I really think that Vocal Adrenaline deserved their win. They were excellent. If New Direction ever hopes to top them, they're going to have to work much harder on their choreography, because that's where Vocal Adrenaline reigns supreme. Sure, my favorite glee club has them beat vocally, but in the dance department, there's no contest. Vocal Adrenaline has so much going on. They may be soulless automatons, but they know how to entertain an audience and win over the judges. But, what do I know right? Haha.

Needless to say, I'm really excited for the next season, err, sometime this September. Are Rachel and Finn going to finally be together? Are Will and Emma going to somehow get together? Where is Quinn going to live? Will she move back home with her mom or stay with Mercedes? Is she going to give Puck another chance?

Sigh. Glee is like no other. No other show can make me laugh, sing, dance, and cry at the same time! A brilliant, crazy show. Until September, I guess.


Robbie said...

I was holding back my tears while watching this show in the office because I had 2 big tough guys sitting beside me on both sides. Tina crying had me going... then the ND final perf... then To Sir With Love. Gaaah. I had to repeat those scenes over and over again.

But I don't agree with you regarding Bohemian Rhapsody. Technically they were great but I felt nothing. Nada. They lack emotion.

And yes... best episode of the Back 9. :D


True, Vocal Adrenaline's performance was JUST technically great and they performed it like robots - no emotions whatsoever - but I really loved how they edited that number. The sort of mash-up with Quinn giving birth was clever. :)

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say "Brilliant", exactly. The only good point I see about this show are the numbers. Really. Which by the way, could be utterly unbelievable. I mean, come on, NO ONE could sustain notes while being flipped on air over and over. Choreography as intricate as what everyone did on this show, will surely compromise the vocal quality--or the volume at least. But alas, it never did. That doesn't change the fact that the numbers were excellent, though. That's why you would have to watch this show with some distance. You'll have to remind yourself every now and then that it's Glee.

The "moments" this episode had could have and would have moved me too. But the storylines have been so inconsistent episode through episode that I just don't know what's sincere anymore. Again, I remind myself it's Glee. And that I shouldn't care about that.

Which is why, if you comment on the subplots about Rachel's feelings, etc... You might as well critique the whole story cos in perspective, it doesn't make sense anymore. Glee disappointed me. Not the production numbers. But the show.


A. gabrielliceae said...

Jonathan Groff is a sweetheart! :) He and 'Rachel' were in the OBC of the musical Spring Awakening.


I like Jonathan Groff as well, A. gabrielliceae


Jake, I understand your point about the show being completely unrealistic at times but just like you said one has to kind of suspend belief or any kind of logic with Glee.

This is not a soap opera. Half the time it’s a parody, and the other half of it tries to have “real” drama. Glee can float with its story plots or even their 'perfect' performances.

Now, I also don't want to be too critical about the story and it's inconsistencies. I just enjoy Glee for what it is. I don’t watch scripted shows looking for reality in the time lines or flaws in the storytelling. I watch it for the pure joy of the music and yes, for the story no matter how unbelievable or inconsistent they are. But of course, that's relative.

Besides, what scripted series doesn't have plot holes in it?

And yes, I'd say the series is brilliant. Hehe. No other show can make me laugh, sing, dance, and cry all at the same time! And we can agree to disagree on that Jake. :)

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