Sunday, June 20, 2010

Music: Amazing Love / Beauty Queen - Scott Savol

Remember Scott Savol? He finished fifth during Carrie Underwood's season (Season 4), and yes, he's trying his best to pull himself out of obscurity after his American Idol stint and is actually about to release two new digital tracks.

Now, I was able to take a listen to the two songs and I'd say that the tracks are pretty decent. Sure, they both sound somehow generic especially in a RnB / Pop format but what song isn't these days?

Amazing Love (Life Is Better) is good. I think that it has a pretty strong back beat. His vocals isn't as out front as I would like it to be but there are parts where I get a taste of his vocal range and amazing ability to riff. It has a fabulous hook and very dance-y. Listen HERE.

Beauty Queen, on the other hand, sounds very R. Kelly. I don't know if it's just me, but this sort of reminds me of Ignition. The song on the surface sounds generic but the beat is undoubtedly catchy. I see potential with this song although with it being too similar with the music on the radio right now, I wonder if this will stand out. Listen HERE.

What do you guys think?


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